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Tips, Tricks, and Troubleshooting: Interpreting Visual Fields for Glaucoma and More…


This course covers visual field integration for the typical primary care practitioner. We discuss the importance of visual field screening and uses for almost every patient who is seen within your practice. We review the importance of visual field testing and how we can offer better comprehensive care to our patients. 

Almost 1000 attended our event and we received amazing feedback!

Feedback from anonymous survey:

  • Thanks for providing quality online education. It is truly appreciated!

  • Truly a great well spoken training.

  • Excellent speakers and actually applicable to everyday practice.

  • Great overall review, I enjoyed the cases and found the billing and coding aspect very helpful.

  • I've heard Walt lecture many times and he never disapoints

  • Thank you for a wonderful series of VF topics on glaucoma, what a great review!

  • The 3 course of the VF extravaganza were great presentations. I was glad there was some overlap in all 3. Great job everyone!

  • Enjoyed material presented by both doctors, and easy to follow.

  • This series has been great with the review of visual field interpretation and mix in of new tech info.

Speakers: Dr. Walt Whitley and Dr. Katie Rachon

Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Time: 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Pacific Time

Location: Virtual

This event is COPE approved for 1 hour of live continuing education.

Thank you to Heru for supporting this event with an unrestricted educational grant.

Heru Inc.

Heru Inc. ( is a medical software company focused on developing the first multi-modal wearable diagnostic, health and wellness platform. Born out of the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, Heru’s award-winning wearable platform has revolutionized healthcare by introducing six vision diagnostic modalities with five CPT medical billing codes in a single lightweight and portable solution. The re:Vive™ platform is strongly correlated to the current standard of care, and exceeds traditional standards of care in usability, cost, size, and portability. Visit Heru during the meeting to learn more about how re:Vive can improve practice efficiency, enhance patient care and drive practice revenue.

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